If you ask Seth he will tell you this is Gods Country and the best place on earth. We took the kids to the season opener game On August 29
th 2008 against
Hawaii. The game was a blast. Caroline asked me if Tim
Tebow was married and I told her NO he is not but he is way to old for her anyway. The Gators are doing so awesome this year we hope things go in their favor and they will play for the National Championship Game. Every other team is just total Gator Bait when they go up against the Florida Gators. Go Gators. The game we attended there was 91,000 thousand people there.
Mandy, what is seth wearing? please don't tell me he is wearing football pants....
Gods country, Huh?! Glad we found you and that you have a blog..these are the best thing ever!!!! Where are you looking to come back to??? I know Davis School District and the Weber school district her up north are still looking for teachers...not all the positions were filled they said! Good luck! keep in touch!
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